Monday, March 22, 2010

march twentysecond, twenty-ten.

what up ninjas. ha ha, jk, you ain't no ninjas!(:
i only know one ninja and his name is jonathan, and i am on the phone with him right now!
he says i am a loud typer.. lol, is this true? i do not know.
he's eating pie, and i want some. :/

anyways. today was lame. but it was good.
the german exchange students are here, and they are awesome. this one girl, her name is angelie, i don't know how to spell it, but she's like super pretty!

but yeah.
i went to a basketball game on saturday night with martin, and it was so fun.
i had such a good time, he made me laugh soo hard!
i love him.(: <3

and uhm. what else.

jonathan is mad that i called him a kid..
even tho he's older than
i'm going to steal his puppy. and he thinks i can't do it, but i can.
and i will. watch me.!

i guess i'm done now since i am such a loud typer...
