Tuesday, March 9, 2010

march ninth, twenty-ten.

what's crackin'?(: jk.
i am in a good happy mood.(: don't ask why, i just is. i wanna talk to martin tho..i misses him..
i went driving after school today with him and kalee. it was fun. i decided i'm a good driver in a car, just not in my momma's truck!
and martin is a good driver too, he went on the freeway.
and kalee is good too! but the teacher flipped nuts on her, he was being a doucher.
he was cool tho.(:

i am listenin to music. its bomb. i just watched the music video to 'baby' by justin bieber, yeah whatever, say what you want, but i like him, and honestly, i think he's a babe.! and in that video, he's jerkin'.(:

hm, anyways. tomorrow is an A day, and i don't like Adays. :/
they suck. i have to freakin' saw this piece of metal in art class, with a blade that's like two millimeters wide. it's amazingly lame. i hate it.
and, i have foods class with like no one. so that's lame too.
and i have NO classes with martin.):

whatevs. i guess i didn't have much to say today.
